Eligible accounts can be accessed online 24/7 by clicking Login under the online payment option. You will be required to validate your account by providing your Goldenberg Associates LLC file number, the last 4 digits of your social security number, your date of birth and your last name.

If you feel you have not received the best possible service from our team, please let us know by emailing attorney.simongoldenberg@gmail.com or by using our contact us form.

If you have received a call or letter from our firm, please reach out at your earliest convenience. Our team of Resolution Specialists are here to help you work out comfortable terms of repayment.

We understand each person has a unique set of circumstances. If you are in a difficult financial situation, please contact us so we can help you.

We are a law firm that represents creditor issuers and creditors. Our clients have asked that we assist them in resolving the past due obligations of their customers. We do this by understanding the financial situations of the customer and work towards a resolution that works for all parties. Our company operates on three values: doing the right thing, being honest, and giving back to the community. For the past 40 years, our firm has represented financial institutions and creditors. We view every interaction with a consumer, a client or a vendor as an opportunity to prove it.

The bank or creditor to whom a debt is owed has made the decision to enlist our legal services to help resolve the issue. We are committed to working with you to help you get back on the right tack and tailor a repayment plan that works for you.